Part 1 - Coincidence (Tanka)

Tanka {Poems}

Meeting you here now,

Purple unexpected shocks

Touch one's lighted skin

yet you seem the same too friend

Underneath nightly air

Author's Notes/Comments: 

If you don't know what a "Tanka" is, a Tanka is a Japanese poem.  They were precursors to Hokku (or Haiku).  Although they aren't much used I still like to play around with them for creativity's sake... / As for the poem, I had a coincidental meeting with an old friend last night.  Of course it was just for a moment but as he walked away, I gave him a big hug becuz' I know I won't see him (I had the urge to).  And also, we aren't that close of friends anymore which makes me a little sad... :-(

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what do the purple unexpected shocks represent in this?