"The promise of the commercial is not just "You will have pleasure if you buy our product," but also (and perhaps more important), "You will be happy because people will envy you if you have this product." The spectator of the commercial magazine herself is transformed by the product into an object of envy to others — an envy which will justify her loving herself. The commercial image steals her love of herself as she is, and offer it back to her for the price of the product." - John Berger
Author's Notes/Comments:
Have you seen women's magazines with advertisements with beauty products? It depicts beautiful women wearing it and this justifies people who read the magazine that this is ideal beauty. This however allows them to forget their own beauty. They forgot the beauty within themselves. They lost sight of that and now are consumed by the fact that outer beauty means more... They just sold their soul to the make-up product. There's nothing wrong with putting on make-up, it's just how you lose sight of your true self that's the problem. Think about it... the intrinsic effect of it...
This one's fucking long Bry! LOL! - Kevin