Roger S. Huxley

Fan Based (SO3)

[Battle Skills Quotes]


"I'm gonna cut you down!"


"Don't block!"

"Here goes nothing!"

"Hot hot hot!"


[Taunt Quotes]

"Hey moron."

"Get ready for a whippin'."

"Ahh, what a yawner."

"What a blockhead."

[Battle Start Quotes]

"I don't like the looks of this."

"Wait a second, isn't this a bit over our heads?"

"Follow me!"

"Victory shall be ours!"

"Real men like a challenge."

[Easy Battle Start Quotes]

"Ah, what a bunch of pushovers."

"I could take 'em all on myself."

"Yeah, they're scum!"

[Victory Quotes]

"I'm hungry, let's eat."

"That was a cinch thanks to me."

"I may be small but I'm no small fry!"

"And that's a wrap."

"Not bad I'd say."

[Close Victory Quotes]

"I gotta beef up a bit."

"I hate these guys!"

"Hah, not a bad fight."

[Level Up Quotes]

"Leaders must always be improving."

"Check out these muscles."

"I am sooooooo macho!"

"One at a time, ladies."

"I'm a natural."

[Allies Helping You Quotes]


"You're not bad, not bad at all."

"Cool, thanks for the help."

"Thank you!"

[Low Health Quotes]

"Hey, that hurts!"

"You stinker!"

"I"m dyin' over here!"

"I said help!"

"Somebody help!"

"Yeeehhh, I'm hurtin' here!"

[Death Quotes]

"I don't wanna die."

"I won't be much help now..."

[Reaction To Party Member's Death]

"Do that to one of MY boys will ya?"

"You're in for a whippin now!"

"You won't get away with that!"

"Now you've done it!"

[Rear/Surrounded Quotes]

"Uwoah no!"

"What a dirty trick."

"Wha'dya think you're doing?"

[Escape Quotes]

"Let's scram!"

"There's a time to be a man, and then there's now!"

[Vs. Mode Quotes]

"Lemme at 'em!"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Roger, the little guy.  Short but never to be underestimated!  Let's go Roger!

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"Sometimes a real man's just gotta keep on goin'." - Roger S. Huxley