[Battle Skill Quotes]
"One! Two! Three! Four!"
"Get over here!"
"Name of the floor, sing with light and flame and put your courage upon my comrades!"
"Great dragons, soar the heavens!"
"Take that!"
"Step down!"
[Battle Start Quotes]
"Ok guys, lets give it our all!"
"This could be rought."
"This isn't gonna be pretty."
[Easy Battle Start Quotes]
"We're fighting you? Boring!"
[Victory Quotes]
"You need more practice doncha?"
"You have some nice moves, I should introduce you to the circus master!"
"Can't wait to see you again!"
[Close Victory Quotes]
"I'll sign autographs...later."
"That was a bit too much."
[Level Up Quotes]
"Wish mom could see me now."
"How do you like me now?"
"Effort beats talent everytime."
"I did it!"
[Allies Helping You Quotes]
"Hey, thanks."
[Low Health Quotes]
"I hate this!"
"I really hate this!"
"How dare you!"
"A little help here?"
[Death Quotes]
"I'm too young to die!"
[Reaction To Party Member's Death]
"Don't mess with us!"
[Rear/Surrounded Quotes]
"Cheater's always finish last!"
[Escape Quotes]
"Let's not mess with these guys!"
[Vs. Mode Quotes]
"There's no use thinking about it! Let's just jump right in!" - Peppita Rosetti