14 August 2008 - 1:25am — Ruth Lovejoy (not verified)
I think to a degree this quote can be true because it's nice to have a democracy but politics what they are today there are of course pay-offs, who knows who, etc etc so bullying can occur and as far as the editor part of thsi that's the public that revotes them into office or out of office as the case may be. That's my take anyway. By the way I'm now a certified phlebotomist- did pass with B+ average for the whole course..
I think to a degree this quote can be true because it's nice to have a democracy but politics what they are today there are of course pay-offs, who knows who, etc etc so bullying can occur and as far as the editor part of thsi that's the public that revotes them into office or out of office as the case may be. That's my take anyway. By the way I'm now a certified phlebotomist- did pass with B+ average for the whole course..
totally agree