Fayt Leingod

Fan Based (SO3)

[Battle Skills Quotes]

"Too slow!"

"Scorching flames, grant me your power!"

"Is that all you got?"

"This is the real thing!"

"Don't mess with me!"

"Now you see me, now you don't!"


"Let's see if you can take this!"


"Want some!"

[Taunt Quotes]

"I'll take you on!"

[Battle Start Quotes]

"Be careful."

"Bring it on!"

"Oh ho, a REAL fight!"

[Easy Battle Start Quotes]

"Hah!  No problem."

"Be warned.  I won't hold anything back."

"I could use a little sparring practice."

[Victory Quotes]

"That was easy."

"That was fun."

"All right, now let's get going."

"All right!"

"We won, somehow."

[Close Victory Quotes]

"We won...somehow..."

"That was close."

[Level Up Quotes]

"There's more where that came from!  Lots more!"

"I think I'm getting the hang of this."

"All right looking good!"

"I feel stronger already."

"There!  I got it now."

[Allies Helping You Quotes]

"I owe you one."

[Low Health Quotes]

"A little help here?"

"I can still...fight..."

"I'm hurt bad!"

[Death Quotes]

"Is this...how it ends?"


[Reaction To Party Member's Death Quotes]

"Now you're gonna get it!"

"You'll pay for that!"

[Rear/Surrounded Quotes]

"What?  An attack from behind?"

"I let my guard down."

"Not good."

[Escape Quotes]


[Vs. Mode Quotes]

"Here I come."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Woohoo!  Fayt!

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"Sometimes, you're the only one that can make a difference." - Fayt Leingod