
Animal Instincts

Warm blooded, four legged, paws, claws, pink nose, long tail, perky ears, orange, black, white, striped, camouflaged, muscled, sharp, independent, solitary, hunter, huntress, energetic, ferocious, agile, furry, durable, perceptive, wild, intuitive, versatile, with a loud, unique "RAAAWR" to go along.  Tigers are my absolute fave.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

From a psychological perspective, it's seen that the qualities that you describe of your favorite animal can also correlate to the qualities that you want to see in yourself.  I wonder if that's true.  Well, tigers are my fave.

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Lauren Ellis's picture

It's funny how many of those qualities actually described be perfectly. Graet job on this.
Lauren x

Lauren Ellis's picture

Tigers are my fave too. Snap! Haha. Thanks for the comment.
Lauren x

Alan Cheng's picture

I was born of the year of the tiger in 1986!!