This Is A Temporary Goodbye, Not A Goodbye That Hurts

Daily Affairs

I'm going to be missing you all

once I leave my room.

I'm been going through so much hell

because I'm so sick

that I have to leave

and stay at a hospital bed now.

I won't get a chance to say "hello again"

since I am leaving to get better.

To read what wonderful things you've created

from within your beautiful minds

just to make my day and yours.

Or to post up what extraordinary pieces

I've chosen to share with you.

I'll be back so don't feel blue.

Besides, this is a temporary goodbye,

not a goodbye that hurts...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Journal Entry  /  To:  Anyone who knows me here.  / Starting tomorrow, February 26, 2007, I won't be around for a while to respond to you because I'm leaving to go to the hospital and I'll probably be staying there for quite some
time.  I don't know how long I'll be staying.  And I won't have any opportunity to be at the computer but I'll be back as soon as I can recover from my illness...  I'll miss you all lots.  Especially my co poet and poetess friends.  I'm going to be so f***ing upset because I won't get a chance to write at all for the time being.  Not even
to post anything new at postpoems, nor send the "Great Ones" to some of you out there, nor to read what you've recently written.  I'm going to be soooo depressed to not read anything new from you guys.  
Because poetry is my passion.  But, each and everyone one of you be safe, eat right, be strong, and stay healthy!  And please pray that I get
better soon; that things won't turn for the worst.  Because it's been very hard lately especially with so many circumstances in my life happening that make me want to cry from the pain it's been giving me because I'm too sick now.


I'll be back, you can count on it!  I'll be missing you all.  I won't be here at postpoems for how long.  And I'm crying right now as I write this because of it.  Wow, how tremendously pathetic of me...  Take care all of you, especially Alan Cheng, Essence Scott, Ruth Lovejoy, Karyn Indursky, Jayati Gupta, and Leah Dancel because I hurt all of you the most when my presence won't be here for awhile.  I'm so sorry if I did.  I'll be better soon, that's a promise.  :-(

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Shaketa Copelin's picture

Well, I'm glad that you're back! How are you feeling?

Alan Cheng's picture

"You Came Around"
(Written By: Alan Cheng)

You came around
Just as I was all alone
Not knowing who it would be
That would come
But I'm totally glad
That you entered into my life
Just as I had nobody
Nobody around when I needed them most
As I was standing all by myself
Without anyone there beside me
But now I know
That I have you
And that you have me
And you came around
Just when I didn't think you would
But you did
And that makes me ever so happy
And it's all ever so real
'Cause you don't know how good that makes me feel

You came around
And it totally took me by surprise
And in my life
I can see it in your eyes
The reflection of myself
Just as I stand before you
Thinking of how wonderful it is
To finally be able to find a friend
Someone so real
And someone who's soul is genuine
I'd think of how great your friendship is
And you came around
Without an inkling of a feeling
Without any noise and without any type of sound

You came around
And this totally rocks
'Cause this means that I've finally got someone
Someone who'll accept me for me
And see me as the person that I am
The truth that is deep within me
And I know that you know that
And so I thank you from the bottom of my heart
For having to come around
And make me feel so happy
That I sometimes feel like my heart is skipping a beat
But you came around
And that's all that matters
In this life
And in this life that would move on
To see how far our friendship would go
And I really want you to know
That I am truly and totally happy that you came around


© Alan Cheng

I changed some of the words around in this poem, but I did it, only to dedicate it to you, and it's not because I just wanted to get a poem that I wrote to change the words around to make you feel better, but that I seriously do mean the words that I wrote, even if they were changed around. LOL

Karyn Indursky's picture

Sorry to hear of your illness. I hope you recover soon and don't have to stay at the hospital long. I'll be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

My prayers and thoughts are with you. Contact when you are able. Look forward to your new pieces when you return. Good luck!

MonaLiza Holt-Valle's picture

Hey don't leave us! Lol!
Get well soon Bryan!
Thanks for the message! :)

Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

I love you all so much because you people walked into my life. All of you are truly incredible. Remember that...

~ from Bryan

ozzypoemgirl's picture

this made me grin all over this bless i feel bless to call you my friend! if you yahoo messenger please add me!
I'll miss you more