Land of the Blindfolded (Repeat)

"Poem Highlights"

Hung beyond all alcoves to which mischevious time

may pilfer youth's redolency, aloft, standing,

history beckons to be recorded lest be forgotten in soil.

And our history currently leads to this:

What has happened as the 'sea' retrogrades to hate

or fearfully perhaps false ascertainment to the breath?

Both are poison.  The second hypocritical and an imposter,

history may tell once scrutinized depending on circumstance.

Yet the keeper of the heart transcends limitations

surfacing a motive powerful to outplace the sun.

The heart is weak, yes, but that is a gift humans possess;

the thing remarkable as it stands alone.

To allow restrictions to constrain the heart

with a vision of a setting sun is cruel in itself

for who shall signify the heart once long and forgotten?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Bryan: My blindfold slipped off but I find I'm in the minority with others like myself: ~eyes free~.
[A quotation]: " is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - (from the novel "The Little Prince")

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I can understand too. - Kevin