Something So Familiar

Greasy on the surface yet describably familiar.

With different toppings spread throughout

it's an amazing sight to behold.

You see tiny pockets, sometimes even bumps

where oozing, cheezy drippings silently slip out.

A mixture of some red pieces, some black, here and there on the surface.

Crusty edges show the limit to which our

vision is allowed to see the circular object.

Steamy...greasy...something everyone enjoys

at least once in their lifetime...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

If you thought this was about pizza with pepperoni and olives...  A type of food most everyone is familar with...  Ahem, you're wrong!!!  Would you like to know what it was about?  Possibly everyone has experienced this:  Getting pimples/acne.  A pizza face, get it?  LOL!!!  Um, never mind.  I think this was horribly done.  Oh well.  But I did had a lot of pimples when I was a preteen to middle teen.  I just wanted to write something about it.  By the way, I HATE having a testosterone surge.  Too many pimples covered my face.  Ha ha!!!  LOL!!!

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Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

Pimples... Yuck! They haunt me to this day the memory of it all.