On My Voice Mail

Yan Yan Surprises

On my voice mail:


Hey this is Bryan Adam speaking.  I apologize if I'm not available right now so if you would please leave your name, message, and phone number I'll gladly respond ASAP.  Thank you.


Hello si Bryan ni.  Kamusta diha?  Mas maayo?  I'm not answering kay busy kaayo ko so leave a message.  Salamat.


Moshi moshi.  Koko ni ja arimasen.  Moushiwake arimasen ga denwa ikanakereba narimasen.  Sumimasen yo.  Arigatou.


Buon giorno mi chiamo Bryan.  Mi scusi.  Sono occupato e non ho tempo per respirare.  Ciao.  Arriverderci.


Hello si Bryan ito.  Kung busy ako, ako ay mag-tetelepone sa kayo, okey?  O sige.


Bonjour c'est moi.  Je suis désolée mais je m'occupe à ce moment.  Pouvez-vous me telephoner à une autre fois ou lassiez-moi un message?  Merci.


Yoboseyo na-nun Bryan imnida.  Josoong hamnida chamshi kidaryo chushipshio.  Annyong.


Allo mein freund.  Ich heiße Bryan und nett Sie kennenzulernen.  Enschuldigen Sie bitte.  Auf Wiedersehen.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Spanish, Czechoslovakian, and Finnish were also stated in my personal message for voice mail but I'm too lazy to type that out!  LOL.  XD

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You and your multilingual self! LOL! - Kevin L.