Different Worlds, Tantalized, Unrequited (Sonnet)


Once a stray fish lost from its clan offshore

spied upon a songbird nestled afar.

Never had it heard such music before.

It fell in love beneath the Moon and stars.

The songbird melodious from his heart

sang the eve away each note resounding.

All listened for its provenance; its art

of which these beautiful songs come flowing.

The fish came near hoping to be noticed

yet the songbird's eyes stared elsewhere skyward.

Searching for heaven's grace, the bird listless

in the heart flew and farther it wandered.

Fly away my love you don't know I'm here

with "I love you" drowned in air on dried tears.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Tried another one tonight although melancholic in tone...

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Alan Cheng's picture

Although this is a sad piece, I must admit that I think it's also a beautiful written piece as well!! =)

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

interesting piece kinda bittersweet..