Alone, Friendless, And No Where To Go (Sonnet)


I’ll listen when the world turns deaf forthwith

and open my arms to thy teary sight.

A friend is precious as gems — Heaven’s gift

to end thine eve with a suffused light.

Enter my sanctum therein thou art safe.

None may harm nor roil a fragile morrow.

Watch the sunrise arouse, quiet in pace.

Let the sun to lighten all thine sorrow.

Wipe dry the pearls which as rain make whimpers.

Try to evoke a smile whilst I listen.

For never scorn I’ll show; not a whisper.

I grant the calmest of calm that glisten.

Look out the window the darkness is gone!

Silenced cries, thou slips free from troubled song.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My second attempt to a sonnet in my life.  The first one I made in high school, I liked because it got an A (I gave it so many revisions to get that A)  But I've lost that.  :-(  This second one I believe is complete crap.  The iambic pentameter doesn't seem okay (to me)...  well that's my opinion on it.  I can be so self-critical of the final product.  :-(

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Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

I can't write sonnets. I put off reading this poem because of the title. I thought it would be about you not having any friends and I was quite offended. I'm glad I read it, but I still wish you'd change the title. - Karyn Indursky

chalupa67's picture

I really enjoyed this sonnet and the words you used painted a wonderful picture of what you were trying to get across. Great work!

Alan Cheng's picture

I think that this is a really nice sonnet, even though I don't really know what sonnets are, so yeah. LOL

Anyways, this is a really nice piece, even though it was kind of sad, but yet at the same time, it's something that was really well-written by a very talented writer like youo!! Don't be so self-critical of yourself. Sometimes things work out in the end and turn out the way you like it, and sometimes it doesn't, but the key to the success of it all is to not give up on writing out what you truly feel. Eventually, there'll be a piece or two that'll turn out great!! I'm sure that everything you write are all hits, and not misses!! =)

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

I like it the way it is