Ruin My Life

My Poems

2 hearts beating with fire together as one,

His hopes of being together slowly coming undone!

Her rage and anger tearing her apart a little at a time,

But love won't lose it's chime!

Through all the years and the hardships they passed,

Their hearts hold tight to the love that will last!

A man changed for the woman he loves for the good,

A past that won't return or be understood!

They fought with anger putting love aside,

A love filled with passion they can never hide!

Begging for her to talk, to allow him this chance,

To show where his heart is at, to show her his stance!

Yes I am, I speak of you and I,

To bring our love together and show it can't die!

I know deep in your heart, you believe I'm not stupid,

To return to the past, I would never be cupid!

Carrie, my sweetness, my tender angel from up above,

I promise you now my mistakes in the past will never come between our love!

You've seen me change and give you my heart,

You seen me in pain running through me like a dart!

I ask you this 1 question and an answer to be true,

Do you really think I would make that mistake again, and ruin my life of being happy together with you?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on: Aug. 15/08
Written By: Paqtism
    Darren Daigle
    Cardar Inc. 2008

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