
The gullible self enslaves the unconscious
The unconscious ain't no better than the conscious
They live, far off the mountainside
this spontaneity of a moment killed her pride

Definitely sinful, that all shoud know all the more
the gravity of her failures leaves her torn
Standards not of men but of the genius
Heinous to be seen and this sounds preposterous

The blurred shady line of sight
the lights are there but he was tired
he was weak, he wasn't even trying
He compromised and leaves his faith hanging

The crossroads is facing the opposition
The dirtroad leads no composition
Every last second is unnaturally dead
Future is bleaking with dark solidary present

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Moonshadow's picture

Good write!

Good write!

Dont look for me, I'll find you ~Moonshadow

blithe's picture

