tactless and just low(nly)

i scream you are the one i love!

you scrape the ground with the front of you patched shoes -

face down, hair obstructing your beautiful blue eyes.

you tell me you love me more than anything


you think i don't care for you

i don't care for the way you are acting

long talks and seldom agreements

words have not been something we exchange often,

yet not so long ago it was all we could afford.

now i can not afford you.

go with her

i will not have my wing protecting you all my days.

shoe strings and black binders are taking all my happiness

but you are too much into "love" to notice.

you become something i despise oh so much

a hypocrite.

through out this whole year, never did i think

you would succumb to this

lose it and lose yourself in this hard-core of a world


you are what you hate

and you are your worst nightmare

and i am not here to wake you up.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

fuck you jon, you still plague me.

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h9515's picture

you right cus girl he is ugley