Stupid Smiles


I can't keep it off my face

This stupid smile

You all know which one

When you're thinking about that person

And that grin creeps up

Even if you try to conceal it

And you're like an open book

I can't keep it off my face

This wavering twitch of my lips

When I'm thinking about a joke I made

That to me was so damn hilarious

And I have to choke giggles in my throat

Biting my lip coyly

When someone tells me something incredibly sweet

And I turn that rosey red

And bow my head

This big silly sprawl of my mouth

When someone tells me a joke

And I squint my eyes

As I laugh till I cry

Holding my sides

That hugely fake spread

Full of teeth

Biting together

When I'm secretly mad

That wrinkle of my nose

When I'm trying not to show

The amusement within

As I press my mouth into a hard line

Isn't it funny

All the different ways one can smile?

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Moonlit Daisies's picture

I love it. You've captured something so simple and universal...and so well!

Hope Survives's picture

I really liked this poem, it truely captured all those funny little smiles which we can help showing. Good job and keep on writing.