Rainy Day
The day so miserable and wet
Everyone inside so upset
Its raining hard and fast
You wish it would hurry and pass
I love it when it rains
I love the sound it makes on window paynes
I walk through the rain
When others see me they think I am insane
I don’t care what they think
I think that the rain is the most romantic thing
When I see my girlfriend I imagine us in the rain dripping wet
Kissing in the middle of a field
Then she gets cold and I hold her
We go under a big tree and sit together
We stay for a bit and talk
Then the rain is harder and we begin to walk
We say to each other I love the rainy days.
i like this one lots and lots, its true I love it when it rains!!
"I'm only happy when it rains. you wanna hear about my new obsession? I'm riding high upon the deep depression. I'm only happy when it rains." It was brilliant