

I hear voices inside my head

They say things to me

They tell me things I don’t want to hear

They say its so much it becomes my fear

This is a sign of insanity

Am I crazy I may be

But I have to learn to control the voices

I have to make them give me choices

If I don’t they will take over me

I need help please cant you see

The voices are talking again

I cant make out what they are telling me

All I know is that I want them to leave me be

Please go away I tell them

They don’t listen

They now escape my mind and become real

They walk among us like humans so you can feel

They will destroy your head

If they keep it up you will be dead

You will go crazy and will do anything to get them out

But for now the only thing you can do is hold your head and shout

Soon years pass you are in an institute

Your friends visit and ask why you did this

You say I did it to get them out

They then leave and say to each other why did he rip open it skull

This is all that is left they are known as the Voices.

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Stacey Elza's picture

We all have voices. So I suppose we are all a little insane. Love itt..