Angel Smith

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

HELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Everyone that is visiting this page!!

I want to say thank you to everyone that is reading any of my works. I also want to say that I love comments even constructive criticism if it is delivered in the write fashion. I don't believe in cyber bulling or malicious intention comments, so I will delete any that are hurtful to anyone,

I love to write, read, and play computer games. The stuff that I am posting on this site will be the first time that I will have shared my writings with anyone other than family. My writings mean something to me, so I do hope that you enjoy them. I also thing that you should know that I write for myself, I choose to share with the hope that someone else will enjoy or be touched.

Now about me: (lol)

I am 23 years old. a full time college student, and I work full time as well, which is why I want to write out all my stories before they continue to be posted. However I would love for people to vote and comment on them to let me know if they should even be continued. :)

Traits about me that I think people should be aware of:
hard worker
and a rebel

If I think that you are in the wrong Ill call you on it, I won't leave you guessing. I tend to make friends slowly as I like to observe people and see how they really are before jumping into friendships. I have never believed in clicks and in high school I got along with everyone just about, not that I would have called everyone friends. I prefer not to be the center of attention, but don't mind getting the job done if required.

Other than that, I love animals, dogs and big cats (lions, tiger, ect.) are my personal favorites. I love water the ocean is awesome. Italy is the place that I would most like to travel, and I would love to learn how to speak and cook Greek.

I have a healthy respect for parents, I love little children, and I like to take up for the underdog.
Thanks for reading. Bye

About My Navel

There's a hole in my stomach,
sometimes it's in
at out times its out,
just like me,
its unsure just what it wants to be,
unlike me, it knows it place,
and is firmly entrenched.
Out/Inny unsure,
of just what its suppose to be

Website(s) or Email!/AngelmlS2008

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Quotes:Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.
Ignorance is no excuse, it's the real thing.
You Go Girl...And Don't Come Back.
You’re ugly and that’s funny.
Give me your number. Like I’d ever call you!
I’m not spoiled. I deserve all my stuff!
You’re dumb. I like that
Smoking - just pay for the lung disease and keep the yellow teeth as our free gift!
I might like you better if you’d shut up every once in a while!
It’s a free country but stupid people should have to pay to stay.
I’ll be nicer when you’re smarter
Don’t ruin my good mood by talking.
I love dumb people. It’s funny to watch them trip.
Stop world hunger! Give me your lunch money!
Cute but psycho. Things even out.
School is great. There’s lots of people to make fun of.
It’s cute how you think I’m listening.
(I am a happy bunny fan, in case you haven't caught in yet)
Poets: Edgar Allan Poe, Christopher Serr

Poems: I got a ton :) I like a lot of poem, but my fav. are the emotional ones and abstract ones.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, Running, and other athletic stuff.


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12 years 48 weeks