Objective without Cause

Untouch me,

with your cruelty,

in those pools

so deep 

so green.


Untouch me,

when I wasn't big enough

to see beyond


Where the roots were


and the locks broke down.


Untouch me,

as I tremble.



in the elegance

of your sorrow.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

forgive me

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TheWritingPoet's picture

I love this poem, It is

I love this poem, It is beautiful.

Blackwingedbird's picture

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

allets's picture

Reason Tends To Fade

when near sad emotions; you just float. Nice write - enjoyed - Lady A



Blackwingedbird's picture

Thank you, it means alot.

Thank you, it means alot.