The Storm

The cuddle of sunshine on a warm autumn day

filtered through golden leaves to the comfort inside.

I dangle my legs and twiddle my hair as the music

tinkers gently in the calm, serene air.


The silence is shattered at the explosion of frames.

The door, once closed softly, erupts with a roar

The promise of happiness freezes, darkening

shadows mount in the hall as the bolts rain down

hard on the old stained wooden floor


Hesitant, holding, I peer in the eye of the storm

The fury lashing down from a monster transformed.

The stench of a blasphemous wind blows my hair.

Spittle hail hits harder than the claws of the beast


Later, much later, it is sunny again.

The insults and the lies have broken to dust

whilst the fog of the memories slip over the hill

The quivering shoots of the springs new-found hope

blossom and bloom in the peaceful May air.


Refeshed,renewed, revitalised again,

I dangle my legs and I twiddle my hair as the campfire

flickers under a wish full of stars.

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"a wish full of stars"

wish is one of the 365 poem a day challenge words. Well written piece of literary art. Welcome to the site. ~Last A~