And so it goes

The heart absent from time to time,

comes slowly waltzing into this scene,

to burn a memory, long lasting.

One to cause decay.

I will choke on envy, and suffer for what it is worth.

I will watch this from my own grave, 

not within the earth, but behind eyes and teeth, 

as it fades, so shall I, so shall they.

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allets's picture

Nice, Reflective

I like the style and tone of this poem ~allets~



Blacklabel82's picture

Thank you

Im glad, i havent ever gotten any feedback on my writing. Its nice to see someone likes it

allets's picture


A good word. Just reread poem. Bravo and encore! -Stella



Blacklabel82's picture

Im really glad you enjoyed

Im really glad you enjoyed it. Are u on facebook?