If I was an angel

Love Poems

If I was an angel like you say

I would open my wings and I

would fly away through the sky

like a breath caught on a sigh

I would make myself invisible to view

so I can just sit and watch you sleep.

Take into my heart the vision of you

and tuck it away in my soul to keep

I would reach to stroke your cheek

and watch your lips curve into a smile

that leaves me with no words to speak

as I stare silently at you all the while

And as I stared wistfully at you I knew

this angel could find heaven with you

but that heaven would only be through

revealing myself only to your view

Then when you see me face to face

You take me in your arms and hold tight

as the world around us falls into space

and I feel all the warmth of your light.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written a long time ago as most of my writing is. I have lost my inspiration.

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