My saviour

I've been lost for so long

I've been singing the same old song

I've been crying and screaming for so many years

I've been drowning in the sea of my own tears

I've been exploring the path of my insanity

I've been hiding from all sense in me

I've been walking in a lonely valley

I've been seeking strength in the darkest alley

I've been in love with the sharpest pain

I've been been places I never want to go again

I've been feeling the deepest regret

I've been meeting people I wish I never met

I've been frozen deep inside

I've been lied to, and I have lied

I've been swimming in the deepest river of my soul

I've been living without a purpose, without a goal

I've been standing with my back against the wall

I've been feeling so vulnerable

I've been seeing things that made me want to go blind

I've been walking restless around in my own mind

I've been cutting myself on the thorns of a rose

I've been watching everything around me decompose

I've been suicidal at times

I've been the victim of my own crimes

...then I found you!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This one is about Ev!!

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