Scream and fight

As little children we scream and fight

tell me, when did we lose control

constantly tearing each other apart

just to mend our own broken soul

Maybe we should stop for a second

and look at what we have done

we have turned into everything

we swore never to become

We are getting nowhere even though you promised me

to follow me to the gates of paradise

but you betrayed me and took me straight

into your world of make-believe and lies

You fed me poison disguised as love

while I ignorantly watched you make me numb

when I look back now and think of you

I'm surprised that I could ever be that dumb

But still somewhere in my

mentally deranged and messed up mind

I feel that when we finally parted

I left something important behind

Even though I sometimes miss you

I think to myself, why even bother?

We used to be good friends

But we were never really meant for each other

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