
I was young,

Each day dealing with these feelings & apprehensions,

Feeling low,

Didn't know my descendants reigned from top positions


Late nights wishing,

Waking from visions, third eye flooding me with wisdom

So I questioned,

Inadequate bits of fallacies which was given


Like, “Y'all tripping!”

Ancest’(ors) perp'd by mercenaries co-opt missions

Stole & switched

Our holy text, perplexed Kemet mental condition


Our acest,

Embraced foes, conjugal cultural blending

Birth babies,

Minds confined in prisms, guarantees mental imprison’(ment)


New system

False aphorisms, smear imprints of black existence

No repenting

Can persuade victims who are left with only remnants


When we prayed

Our pineals received God's transmissions

Real priests

Lay deceased in Kemet so explain religion



Woke from the nightmarish paralytic mirage

Dry blood stains

Rusted mental chains weighed down this child of God


Deceit, lies

Cave bloodlines survived through disguised plagiary

But can't take,

My Ra's place nor separate me from Earth's mammary…


You can't take,

My Ra's place nor separate me from Earth's mammary!

You can't take,

My Ra's place nor separate me from Earth's mammary!


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Hope You Have Read

I Am A Cowboy In The Boat of Ra - this reminds me vaguely of it. - slc