debating, talking, cooking, painting, reading and writing, making more sense out of this life.
I love poetry to the extent that sometimes i think of marrying it. I am mercurial for I easily switch interests: from arts, to sciences, to acting, to debating, to poetry, then back to my favorite - myself.
I'm a bibliophile. My collection is extensive. I rarely read them, though. I simply adore books. I find half my life by just looking at how magnificent these things are.
I believe that I'm still in my growth-gap years; that one day, I'll wake up seeing myself 7 inches taller (yeah, seven is perfect!) than what I was the previous day. But just in case I won't, I'll still be happy - I'm blessed with other things.
A black hole :)
the greatest enjoyment is - to live dangerously. Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into un-charted seas. Live at war with your peers and yourselves!