Of 08/29/2014

Not that there is anything special about today which may interest anyone reading this "infected nonsense" You may be wondering why "infected nonsense"? Well.. let me explain. An esteemed, accomplished and revered poet on this site is of the opinion that "writers are infected with a virus" This infection goes on till the day fingers stop moving. Any treatment available ? No !!! None whatsoever ! It's do or die mission.Fingers stop.Mission accomplished.A post by me "Shut Up"has clocked close to  500 reads Surprised What does it mean ? The title is alluring or the contents are interesting.Maybe I'll never know.....

Anyway on to my journal for today (Aug 29th 2014)... Yesterday in the morning my maid's grandson just started school came to me with a small bag.Let me tell you what it had.A 4-line exercise book,a pink plastic pencil box,a sharpened pencil,a rubber and a sharpener. His mother had requested me to "teach" him "English" or rather "communicative English" whatever that may be.I wondered and wondered where to begin.I was in a quandary.

I began by telling him (1) Make mistakes.If you don't you'll never learn

                                  (2) Purpose of any language is communication which may also be sign language

                                  (3) Do not speak to a Bengali in English never ever to show off your skills

                                                                  (except in certain cases)

To myself I told "What do I know of this foreign language?"  Very very little.But I can manage somehow.My mother tongue is very rich but the script is difficult to grasp.English is simpler to write.So.. well I asked him for his pencil and wrote the first word "list" He pronounced "lits" It took quite a while to make him say it correctly.Then I asked him to say the names of the days of the week.I told him Wednesday was to be said as Wennsday & Saturday as Sataday.I think he will learn well and do me proud someday.He is very plump and fai by Bengali standards with grey-blue eyes(His young father is very handsome) If dressed in a nice pair of clothes he could pass off for a "royal" kid.

My dear readers please wish me luck & give your best wishes silently so that I may succeed in my small mission.May the kid do his parents and granny proud someday.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Please avoid reading....

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bern's picture

Infected crap.

Friend Bishu you must have had an excellent teacher of English. Why the very word Crap was not used by any of the Teachers that taught me. For those of you not familiar with this short word it is simply slang for the word shit. Not used normally but was very popular in Great Britain during and after World War one. I have been know to use this simple word on occasions it was for young boys one way of expressing one's self whenAdults were around. One example is (what a load of crap) meaning what alot of rubbish. There are other expressions similar but to write them all down would take more time and paper than I at the moment have. For your Pupil Friend Bishu, I wish him well in his wanting to learn English, I would have thought that French would have been easier. As for your native tongue Bengali, This is for most Europeans a real tongue twister. I had the priveledge and pleasure to teach one of your countrymen to drive in London. He always greeted me in Bengali. I did not know whether he was being pleasnt or damning me as an instructor. May your fluent pen help your new Pupil. I myself used to smile when my teacher pointed out my mistakes it was my way of covering my guilt at not plying myself to my lessons. Your Friend Bern.

bishu's picture

Yes !!! Respected Esteemed Friend Mr Bern

Yes !!! Respected Esteemed Friend Mr Bern.None of my teachers at school used "crap".I've now changed "crap" to "nonsense".A salute to you on the occasion of "Teacher's Day" which is on 5th Sept in India....... Nonetheless thanks for your long and true comment. ~Ever your friend in life & death~
