Twilight Search

                                                                                                               Twilight Search

                                                                     Long path to travel ere I blaze a trail.

                                                                     What I did in my wee lifetime was

                                                                     trying to empty the ocean with a small pail

                                                                     I toiled and toiled the rain refilled the sea

                                                                     'twas then I decided to set sail on the water

                                                                     Sailed and sailed for decades on end

                                                                     Seeing the beauty of the sun,moon ,stars 

                                                                     Lost I drifted .. my sail ripped apart by time

                                                                     On the god-forsaken land I now dig

                                                                     With my bare hands whilst waiting for the bell

                                                                     Announcing the end of my search and wobble


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a welcome post for Stardust a new young friend of mine. Maybe he'll get some inspiration.

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cevance's picture

A very delightful read, Bishu

A very delightful read, Bishu my friend.

bishu's picture

Thank you from my auricles & ventricles my friend

Thank you from my auricles & ventricles my friend Smile



PeterChristopherRaymond's picture

Fantastic imagery! :)

Fantastic imagery! :)

bishu's picture

Thank you Dear Mr Peter

Thank you Dear Mr Peter :)



Stardust's picture

thank u thank u....i feel so

thank u thank u....i feel so honoured :)) and inspired. And superb imagery btw...thanx again

bishu's picture

No need to thank me Dear Boy . Expecting interesting writes

No need to thank me Dear Boy . Expecting interesting writes from you Smile
