


Heart pawned for a lifetime

To  greedy pawnbrokers

While pawning never knew

The pawns couldn't be redeemed

Lifetime wasted away heartless

Should've thought before pawning 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Two weeks without any post isn't ok some crap Surprised

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MoonCruxCollision's picture

haha what a realization, with

haha what a realization, with rash decisions does come regret, in one form or another. The opening line is quite catchy, a heart is traded in for a lifetime, awesomeness

bishu's picture

Am awfully happy because you took the time to read Mr CX

Am awfully happy because you took the time to read Mr CX



cevance's picture

Your works always enlighten

Your works always enlighten me, Bishu. As for myself - I go for weeks without writing or posting. I don't have a schedule..

bishu's picture

Oh Mr Vance my friend!!!! I am very very dim to enlighten anyone

Oh Mr Vance my friend!!!! I am very very dim to enlighten anyone.Sometimes random thoughts bubble in me & I pen down. Your works are well thought of which makes them of a better quality ... Great many thanks for your kind read & comments. ~You~friend~far~far~away
