

Devoid of thoughts I sit to write

My old trousers ever so tight

Poets have written on love,pain

Sorrow, relationships, birth and

death.... the unseen destination

The heartaches,the wise sorrows

Rendezvous and au revoirs....

Yet I strive to write and find

The answers to my  questions

Lies in the millions  of nature

Hiding from blind view........

Indeed my dear poetess

I could 've been as happy as you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

What are Heavy?
~Christina Rossetti


What are heavy? Sea-sand and sorrow;
What are brief? Today and tomorrow;
What are frail? Spring blossoms and youth;
What are deep? The ocean and truth.

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TheShadowKnows's picture

All the while I've been on

All the while I've been on this site (which really hasn't been THAT long compared to most users I come accross) I think I've found you to be most intriuging. your comments always so cryptic. I feel I understand this poem though haha and I like it! :) 

bishu's picture

Heartfelt thanks for reading Mr Daniel

Heartfelt thanks for reading Mr Daniel my friend
