Per Diem

Every day the same old rhythm

Ending with the nightly soiree

Twinkling sleepy stars in the dark sky

Sickle moon appears wide awake

Eternal quiz "What lies beyond?"

Reflected in the waters of the dark pond


Collective consciousness huddle together

In the calm stillness of the night

Silently awaiting the reville

Of the sun from far far away

A minion me wondering " Why ? "

Dawn is awakening the tired sky


Sparrows chirping, butterflies flitting

Long dark night has taken a beating

Sky blushes orange like a new bride

Throws off her veil .. Apollo reigns

Bright and warm-- the trees awaken

"Nature most dear ! I never feel forsaken"





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a.griffiths57's picture

    Nicely created poem,



Nicely created poem, lovely descriptive quality to the poem. Liked the last verse particularly. Very good read and very well writtenl

bishu's picture

Happy Respected Madam Anita that U liked the words :)

Happy Respected Madam Anita that U liked the words :)



SSmoothie's picture

Trying very well in

Trying very well in scrabbling words perhaps you should keep this as your mode of operations? beautiful work sincerely bishy. hugss

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

bishu's picture

A ton of gratitude for your encouragement Dear Respected Ms SS

A ton of gratitude for your encouragement Dear Respected Ms SS.
