Angry policeman chasing his shadow
Bluebells singing in the spring meadow
Caterpillar crawling on lettuce leaves
Ducks happily swimming in the placid lake
Elephant baby complaining of runny nose
Firefly wonders how fast an elephant grows
Giraffe's mother lathering her darling baby
Hens pecking at tiny worms;chicks look lazy
I see all these things and think like crazy
Jackal peering with its gleaming eyes
Kites flying in squadron in clear blue skies
Let me relax and watch how time flies
Mannequins decked up at the shop window
Newly weds huddle together in Christmas snow
Ostrich in the hot,dry desert land
Parrot atop the seaside tree feels grand
Quicken your pace said the spider to the fly
Read your books and give writing a try
Sauted chicken flesh spiced and sauced
Table laid in style; family dressed and washed
Umbrella's dusty look- rains have gone
Violin plays a melancholy note - curtains drawn
Windows are flung open; ears strain to hear
Xylophone tinkling in unison quaking to come near
You must try to envisage and imagine things
Zombie now has a heart ; it even has wings !
A very clever and fascinating
A very clever and fascinating read, bishu.
At least someone calls me "clever"
At least someone calls me "clever".Thank you Mr Vance.