A figment of imagination never seen or heard
Lowered to the ocean bed crawling with life
Mighty waves lash the surface.. foam and froth
Beneath there is calm.. so much peace,tranquility
Trying to write in words.. maybe an act of futility
She says "give it a try- scrap it if it's garbage"
Deep blue water ... bubbling with life
Tiny fish,planktons,flitting like birds
Short-lived their wonderful antiques
Devoured by larger fish- marine carnivores
Down in a submarine traversing the ocean floors
This is a way to Heaven ,this is one of the doors
What colours !! what shapes !! exquisite rhythm
Filtered sunlight on the colourful corals
They open up a new chapter on subject of morals
Marine life forms... love none... hate none
Hunters become the hunted however pretty
Wonderful it is to take a peek into nature's kitty
Mystery of the depths:
What an enchanting poem, portraying a good aspect of life under the ocean. Loved the phrase sunlight colouring the coral and all looks so colourful and peacefull but survival the name of the game.