Wee little b
How tiny I am
In this world
Very little I know
I form opinions
On mammoth things
Some I write aloud
Of which I once
Used to feel proud
My b is microscopic
As I move further
and further
Yet I often ride
the euphoric waves
Feeling good
The nib scratches
Monkeys are happy
So are all creatures
Give them a chance
They'll excel over me
My dear dear friends
Help me to find b
we all search and the more we
we all search and the more we know the smaller we feel
ron parrish
A New B Poem
Small pebbles make big waves - b is for big! Loved: "The nib scratches" ~S~
Monkeys are happy indeed. I
Monkeys are happy indeed. I especially like that line. And everything has a certain striving intelligence that says "nothing is insignificant; we whirl our world in wonder with others also to solace such grace. We must find ourselves within ourselves; yet we still seem to remind eachother of our dreadfully divine harmony of existence.
peace, pot, tequila shot
Jesus loves us, stoned or not
Thank you Mr Dalton
Thank you Mr Dalton for your precious time for reading and commenting