Non-Pandemic Tomorrow


Sharefaith: Church Websites, Church Graphics, Sunday School, VBS ...


I'm grateful

Enough food

Nice home

Loving family

Entertaining gadgets

Books & Board games


ATMs still on

 Snatching at stores

Hasn't yet begun

Smiles haven't faded

Cycle of Karma

Scant understood

Now a stark reality


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Be thankful my good friends and concentrate on Karma instead of delving in your woes.The darkness will go.

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word_man's picture

and may the light shine

and may the light shine bright upon your head my friend,and toilet paper for all

ron parrish

allets's picture

Good Karma

Thanks and good to hear from you with this wonderful advice. Glad all is well with you. ~Stella~



bishu's picture

Thanks my good friend.. Ocean

Thanks my good friend.. Ocean is near



allets's picture

Ocean Seventy

Indeed, near - feetwetinboat



word_man's picture

just put that lambs blood on

just put that lambs blood on your door

ron parrish

bishu's picture

Enough blood has been shed.

Enough blood has been shed. It's payback time



word_man's picture

not sure where it came

not sure where it came from,,man or god

ron parrish

bishu's picture

A reflection

A reflection of our own selfish deeds my good friend ~b~



allets's picture

September 2020

Vaccine Wars who will b 1st? a lot of posturing and wishful thinking. third stage trials will take time. maybe get actual shot series late 2021 - whoever gets vaccine proven effective can charge whatever they want. Putin is a liar. It took 200 years to defeat small pox. For the money spent, everyone could have environmental suits! (sorry-went sci-fi there).


Still working daily on khansman novel. 


Soon Autumn leaves :D





word_man's picture

not taking bill gates

not taking bill gates tracking vaccine 

ron parrish