Mad Hatter :::: I just don't care when people call me mad or crazy.I'm too old to care.I blabber nonsense to many I meet on my daily path.The path becomes easier with a light mind.Why didn't I think of the stray dog with wings ? I closed my eyes and there it was flying in the night sky with LED lights on its wings.The road became a narrow,swift flowing river.I was mad !! No they weren't cows.. they were people running errands.With the mild winter sun I just feel happy to be alive.
With cows, it's udder nonsense!
Thank U so much AG
Thank U so much AG my good friend Merry Christmas
"...stray dog with wings..."
So wonderful to see a new piece of nonsence from you, Bishu. Crazily old and wishing you and all you love peace for the approaching new year. xoxox ~Lady A~
Thank U for your kind read
Thank U for your kind read Dear A
happy thanksgiving
happy thanksgiving
ron parrish
Merry Christmas Dear WordMan
Merry Christmas
thanks,merry christmas to you
thanks,merry christmas to you
ron parrish
That's the great thing with
That's the great thing with getting old. People expect you to be crazy. Just embrace it and enjoy the ride.
Thank U Dear FBu
Embraced & hugged
Merry Christmas