


Affliction of brain
Chewing old mouldy cud
But feeling happy & good
Can't be that bad

Fingering dusty half broken toys
When we were but little boys
Those innocent childhood Crushes
Through veins a tingle rushes

Copyright Bishwanath Mukherjee for my virtual "inline friend" Peter Christopher Raymond

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was an instareaction to a post of Peter on Facebook..... Crap .. ? I don't care !

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allets's picture

Oh, Care

If it comes from your head it has value to someone somewhere. - spyglassspottingtheIsland :D



bishu's picture

Haw haw haw !!! Nostaflu

Well .... First my pal Peter must excuse me..... I call him my "Inline Friend" He is much into nostalgia off late though he is quite young. Take care row slowly & merrily .........

To be afflicted by nostalgia is like the flu hence the word Nostaflu Laughing
