He is not of my acquaintance, old or otherwise. Hung over, sounds pretty Irish to me. The kilt crew would disagree probably. But New Year's - I'll have to get drunk on that and think it over. Blessings be upon you for the new year and every year God grants you. Swim two three, one two stroke! Next stop, anunusualislandforunusualislandvoyagers :D
no man,not a sailor,not you
no man,not a sailor,not you !
loved the imagery
ron parrish
Thanx ever so much
Hope the Christmas New year went well for you & your loved ones. Wish you a happy 2017
Who Is Auld Lang Syne?
He is not of my acquaintance, old or otherwise. Hung over, sounds pretty Irish to me. The kilt crew would disagree probably. But New Year's - I'll have to get drunk on that and think it over. Blessings be upon you for the new year and every year God grants you. Swim two three, one two stroke! Next stop, anunusualislandforunusualislandvoyagers :D
Respected Stella
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