Topsy Turvy




Image result for a thin man standing upside down

[picture from Google images]


Standing on the ceiling

Hanging without feeling

Just  like a  winged  bat

Do you think readers

He had worn a hat

He did with a chin-strap

Did he wear shoes

No, he was barefoot

I'm blind ! I'm blind ! he cried

In reality his shirt

came over his eyes

Then the noose broke

So did two ribs

No my good pp friends

I don't tell fibs 

At a hospital

Nursing my chest-cast

The nurses say

It'll heal quite fast

If and only if

your heart will last Laughing

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KindredSpirit's picture

Wish you well bishu

I have always thought that would be good

For a body.

Unconvential but a need for stretch.


bishu's picture

Ha ha .... glad you stopped by

Let us drive through the jungle of mundanity armed with bullets of humour



allets's picture

Heal Soon

Upside down poets always recover :D - Yourpoembudinsearchofa2060island. Great writing Bish - Stella



bishu's picture

Aww Respected Madam

I aondee why you read this scribbls...



allets's picture

B Cuz

itz good scribble and great pix. Fun to read and enjoy - dladyafromnearbigDmichigan :D



bishu's picture

Tanks of thanks Respected Lady Allets

for your valuable time in reading scraprubbish #somewhereinpollutedkolkata#
