[picture from Google images]
Standing on the ceiling
Hanging without feeling
Just like a winged bat
Do you think readers
He had worn a hat
He did with a chin-strap
Did he wear shoes
No, he was barefoot
I'm blind ! I'm blind ! he cried
In reality his shirt
came over his eyes
Then the noose broke
So did two ribs
No my good pp friends
I don't tell fibs
At a hospital
Nursing my chest-cast
The nurses say
It'll heal quite fast
If and only if
your heart will last
Wish you well bishu
I have always thought that would be good
For a body.
Unconvential but a need for stretch.
Ha ha .... glad you stopped by
Let us drive through the jungle of mundanity armed with bullets of humour
Heal Soon
Upside down poets always recover :D - Yourpoembudinsearchofa2060island. Great writing Bish - Stella
Aww Respected Madam
I aondee why you read this scribbls...
B Cuz
itz good scribble and great pix. Fun to read and enjoy - dladyafromnearbigDmichigan :D
Tanks of thanks Respected Lady Allets
for your valuable time in reading scraprubbish #somewhereinpollutedkolkata#