Weekend Mindbender




Green colour on the compound wall limewashed 4 years back is now stained with water marks. How did the weather and rain make black patches ? Acid rain ? Maybe.... Breaking down the old 50-year old wall and building a higher one - at least seven feet high with barbed wire all around.This will keep out the inquisitive intruders who take interest in peeking over the now short wall.With such an imposing compound wall a respectable iron gate with spikes is a must. The wall can be painted in washable weatherproof paint and the gate in a sinister shining black.

The cemented pathway is cracked. Roots of trees have grown underneath it and pushed up the cement. A dilemna.... Cut the roots ? No.. it's better to just fill the cracks with cement-concrete. Yes the path may become undulating and interesting to tread but after all it is MY HOUSE. The exterior of the house will be done with a matt-green weatherproof paint. Doors & windows brown-painted on exteriors & sunshine-yellow on the insides. Grills will also be sunlit-yellow. Ah.. now the house looks nice [at least from the outside]

Inside walls are stained with rain-water-marks. Maps of different countries stare at me all the while. Paint peeiling off the walls and ceilings cut a sorry yet well-used look.Some interior designer will take care of the colours and masons will do the rest. I had recently talked to a friend of mine who is in the interior designer business. He told me that all the old furniture needed to be thrown away and modern equipment moved in for a nice look.The 15-year old TV,my favourite 40-year old cheap wooden cupboard would be among the casualties.

The red-cement floor had to be taken off mercilessly. Smooth skid-free acrylic tiles are now in vogue." You need three wall-to-wall wardrobes and a Formica-top study tabae with a table lamp.I'll take care of everything.Give me a contract.I'll even arrange for the masons,carpenters and plumbers " "Plumbers ? what for !! " " The rest-room accessories are very much outdated... All need replacement... " I was pensive as I listened to his excited banter.

Maybe I'd get all the work done giving Mr Friend the contract for Rs.30,00,000/- Would you not ask why I didn't entertain him further & almost kicked him out. "... The trees in the frontyard need to be cutt off... I'll plant some nice new ones in their place. They'll look much better & people will marvel at your house.... " Friends & readers. scribbler-bishu is happy with whatever he has and shall not change anything till he is alive. Sorry to spoil your weekend. BTW who invited you ?

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I Feel At Home Already

Yesterday, surveyed old furniture and thought, new desk would be nice, but have to get rid of something. Oh no! The cedar chest moved to a closet? Oh my! Drawer space is maxed out and need more. Oh wow! Such thoughts are asked to leave. Stay away. I like my old stuff and yeah, I know the carpet needs to be cleansed too. When I'm gone, take care of that for me okay?





bishu's picture

Thanks so so much Respected Allets

An empty scabbard called bishu holfs all the rubbishy scribblings
