Flowery Friends


Flowery Friends
A skull or a gruesome art
Unlikely to attract
Lustful guys young or old
A skeleton of past life
Flower has been sold
Only to wither and dry
Its scraps in eternity fly
Why not a cabbage
Maybe it'll not stink
In a can of garbage
It'll be eaten fresh
Even the leaves
By stray herbivores
In any case past are past
And the'll be no mores
So guys sit back
And lick your sores
Please unfriend me
Or add to list of bores
Friends on PP are a plenty
They'll come in scores
grin emoticon

Humour is indeed Life Who needs inside or insight Plus let's not fight and see others light their own pyres or flame of desires

Author's Notes/Comments: 

With malice towards none

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TheShadowKnows's picture


So odd

So strange

i can only salvage bit and piece

To make a sensiscal picture for my mind to feast.

I think I must be a different breed of cabbage...


bishu's picture

Thanks muchy much for your valuable time Sir Mr Daniel

No Sir me isn't cabbage me is now cauliflower.. A flower iz a flower u know .. Cabbage breed or human you are good and keep that way :: Wellwisher B Smile



schmuckjones's picture

Gadzooks Respected Bish!

A lovely poem, I don't mind the smell.  I'll take a bite of this cabbage to restore my energy and laugh whole heartedly and say, you make me smile.  :)

Your friend across layers of earth and water.  Schmuckish Jonesish.

bishu's picture

Thanky you Good Sir SJ for your kind expensive time

.. Keep smiling Be Happy :)
