I sit there in my cage contemplating on life,
I wonder what I did wrong, confused in my situation.
I dream for a day that I escape this cage,
I wonder how it would feel to flap my wings freely without a care,
I wonder why, it's not fair.
How is the world allowed to keep going, when I'm in a horrible place,
I want to be free from this cage,
I want to flap my wings, soar above all.
But this cage keeps me put and in one place,
I sit here, wondering, if there's another way to escape.
I want to smile,
want to be happy,
But my cage, my mind won't let me.
So I sit here in a dark room wanting to go out.
Escape the mind that is your prison and accept the problems at reach. Put on a smile (no matter how fake), dare to face your fears, laugh freely ( no matter how cheezy or childish it may seem), and try no matter how slow or hard try to share feelings and speak, your youth is a test the world provides every thought affects the result and every person must work to pass no matter how useless it may seem. This is what i did to rid the feeling but it still rises over every once in awhile. ignore your thoughts and act on emotion and think only of the positive out comes of your actions ignore the consequence. Do things for your self. No excuses