Side Plank

To be completely honest, I’m not a huge fan of Side Plank, or Vasisthasana. But sometimes, the poses you don’t really like are the same ones that you need to do the most.
At first I would always try and “cheat” myself in the pose to make it easier. But now, knowing how good it is for me, I’ve stopped cheating, accepted the challenge, and started making it work instead.
Here are five great benefits of Side Plank, all of which are reasons why I now try to work it into every practice (and why maybe you should too!).

1. Core Strength

This pose works your core to a huge extent. You have to really use your belly muscles to stay upright, so you’ll definitely be feeling the core work the day after.

Here’s a quick alignment tip: really engage your core to keep your hips from sagging towards the floor. You want to be one long, strong line of energy in this pose.

So if you want a strong core and abs of steel, start with Side Plank.

2. Strengthens Arms and Wrists

Side Plank requires you to balance on one arm, so this is a great pose for strengthening your shoulders, wrists, and arms. Make sure to keep your arm strong. Don’t lock your elbow, and don’t sink into your shoulder.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to

3. Strengthens Legs

Side Plank is really a full-body pose. You work pretty much every part, and the legs are no exception.

Engage the legs, especially the supporting one, to help keep you up. You want the core working, but you don’t want it doing everything all on its own. Just like with the arms, don’t lock the supporting knee, as that will definitely do more harm than good.

Keep everything engaged, and try to feel a bit of lift in the thighs, and get excited about the amazing-looking legs you’re going to have!

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At 66

it is amazing that I can still see my legs. Someone will benefit from this exercise regime. I saw my legs about ten years ago. They looked pretty okay :D - cool post - allets -