How Beautiful She Writes

How beautiful she writes

The wonderful way her pen strikes the pad,

Man.... how beautiful she writes

The way her emotions flows like water down an endless stream.

Man oh man, How beautiful she writes.

The way she keeps me coming back for more,

The way she keeps me excited like a kid in a candy store.

The way she keeps me dancing with every new poem that I read,

The way she keeps me fiening like her word is a drug that I need.

OOOOOOhhhhhhhhh man.... How beautiful she writes.

The way she makes me smile with every happy phrase that I see,

And when she writes a little sad, Oh how I feel her emotionally.

The way she makes me feel sometimes, that what she writes is meant for me.

The way she keeps me inspired and motivated about doing my own poetry.

Man............. How beautiful she writes.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

You know who you are.

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mwhatim's picture

nicely done
stay safe :o)

Donielle Johnson's picture

this piece is BEAUTIFUL! I love it, its sensual, it flows nicely....great piece!

Shana Alexander's picture

How wonderful for you to write a poem about me (j/k. . .LOL). This was a great poem. The beauty of the words we as poets use is a forever wonderful thing! Keep on keepin on!

You may want to check out my poem "I May Not be Beautiful . . . but," as it is similar to this one!

Lasohnda Harris's picture

this was beautitfully written poet for who ever you wrote it for is lucky

Dario Preston's picture

WOW! Awesome write, I like his one. You know you love someone elses writing when you start to wish you were the one that wrote it... nice write...

Leah Hayes's picture

I like the way your poem is not tho u write for all women who express poetic emotion...smiling....when I first began to write I was shy..and one day someone said to me..your poetry touched my soul..a great compliment..because my poetry is who I am..

elham's picture

wow,...that was amazing. You are a talented and romantic writer. Keep writing


This has to be the most beautiful thing I have ever read.
My heart is melting. The passion and intensity I feel when I read your work is beyond words. Peace To You- and pleae keep sending the Love- You are the last of your kind B- wish I knew you better. All My Love- J

Calyse Knox's picture

how beautiful you write! i really do like your writing! please keep it up!!! love callie

Brook B's picture

This is the most bueatiful poem I've ever read, I had to read it a couple times.. .. .. ..Very expressionable.