
You think you know everything,

right from wrong,

But have you looked into my eyes,

and seen what’s going on?

Have you felt my emotions?

Felt my desire?

Felt that my heart is burning fire.

Have you ever thought?

That some actions you do, are wrong?

That they hurt me? Or the people around.

Have you stepped in my shoes?

And lived one day of my life?

When I think that you’re wrong,

but you think that your right.

How can I fight back?

when you are the parent,

since you know the "best" for me.

I live by your rules,

but its killing me inside,

stabbing my flesh,

like 100 knives.

Since you’ve lived longer,

And you know more then me,

Than I should follow what you say

But the “best” for me,

Is not always what you think is best.

Just be careful parents,

You don’t want your child,

To be lying in a casket,

And then you realize what you have done.

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Your parents have been in your shoes and they know whats gonig on