Have it Your Way

I don't think you'll miss me when I'm gone

and I'm the one that must be moving on

and we won't be as we always were

when love isn't wanted anymore

but i'll miss you when I'm gone

and one less dream to base my life upon

less your embrace and tender charms

no more to hold you in my arms

less sweet lips to dream to kiss

and one less love that I will miss

less even my dreams of what could be

but saved the passion restored in me

I think if you could you would take that too

so important to let me know I'm unimportant to you

I beleive you, I do

I'm nothing to you

as you always have, you have the upper hand

why that's so important I don't understand

in the long run I don't think you'll feel so clever

and one day realize I was the one who could have loved you forever

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