Letter to My Love

you are my poetry, you are my passion

I beg you come closer and tempt me with thine sweetest treasures

let me again be engulfed in firey passions I once knew

let me again feel desire that made me whisper "I love you" with every exhale and prayed my words on the wind found their way to you

I am ever small in this world but for the mere moments of sensuous

pleasures spent in your embrace, moments when I was as big as the world, moments when the earth faded to a distant dot, and in my mind there was only you and I

even if love can only ever be sweet torture to no end, then whip scars upon my heart and let my passion gush forth with my lifes blood, for I have not life, nor passion unless there is a dream of you, I beg of you, what ever the cost to my heart that you never stay away so long that my minds image of you dims, or that the taste of your kisses no longer linger on my lips or that I no longer know what it is to be lifted to the heavens in your embrace, if ever your memory fades I pray too, that with winters arrival I fade too and am not reborn into the spring, and if ever my life should fade know that my last exhale once again whispered I love you into the wind, and that my final prayer was that these words find there way to you, and that finally you take them into your heart, and know I spoke the truth, if I am never again to return to the joy of your embrace, I beg, do not let my words die, take them into your soul, for they are words from my heart to yours, sent in love and forged in the fires of passion from my souls truth

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