My great-grandmother Rompope

"No matter when, no matter what, you can always see my great-grandma with her “rompope” glass. I don´t know if it was the taste of eggs or the feeling in your throat, but it was really weird seeing a 95 years-old lady getting drunk. Some aunts said she had always have that drinking problem, but I can´t find why they said that, she enjoyed that eggnog so much how could that be a problem for her! Maybe it was Christmas night, a birthday party or just a hot afternoon in her hot house with no air conditioner drinking her hot eggnog glass, but she always look happy and grateful with life. I met her in her late 80´s and 90´s, and I was fascinating of how much life could it be inside an old woman that taught her great-grand son how to play and bet on cards, or to enjoy a little of rompope, even though it tasted like scramble eggs.  And people says it was better when she could walk, in her younger years she was more than a party girl, making everybody pranks and making everybody laugh. Once she dressed up as a white widow, with the white dress and the white makeup, she waited outside my great-grand dad window, and scared him almost to death by no reason.  She used to say “better have the glass in hand, than having to look for one”, and that´s so true why would you stop doing what you like, just because someone else is embittered with life. You can see life like some people do, a period where you pass your time, pleasuring the others, working for them to achieve their goals and letting your time extinct, or you can live your life like good old great-grandma Rosa, enjoying the little moments, the little talks, the opportunities to be yourself and do whatever you like, as always with a glass of eggnog by your side. Yeah, she is one of my heroes, for one side I would like to see me drinking beer at the age of 95, and for the other side even though she lived almost a century she was never tired, she was full of happiness like a teenager drinking zips and zips from her glass of rompope. Now I finally understand, it wasn´t about the alcohol or getting drunk, it was only taking a break to enjoy the moment and having fun."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Rompope = Eggnog

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